For a delicious Rava Ladoo, gather the following ingredients:
- 1 cup rava
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup dry coconut (Alternatively, if you prefer not to use coconut, you can use besan)
- ½ cup besan
- 6-8 cashew nuts
- 1 tsp cardamom powder
- 4-5 tbsp of ghee
Begin by lightly frying the rava and coconut in a bit of ghee until they take on a slightly brown hue. Separately, prepare a sugar syrup by adding water to the sugar and heating until the sugar completely dissolves. Ensure that the sugar syrup reaches a one-thread consistency.
Once ready, blend the rava and coconut mixture into the syrup. In a separate pan, lightly fry the cashew nuts in a dash of ghee and then add them to the mixture. Stir in the cardamom powder.
Allow the mixture to cool slightly, but while it's still warm, shape them into small balls. Enjoy your Rava Ladoo once set!